honestly don't know what to say here aaaaahhhh...
Introductions are in order...

Hello! As you might be aware already depending on where you came from, my name is Dravia Aris. That's all you need to know, really...though if you want to know more, I wouldn't mind telling you.

This site was created to store a variety of tales so that I may share them with you all. While some are a bit darker than others (don't ask me about the teen fluffy romance one), for as long as I'm able too, all of them are free here for you to read! I want as many people as possible to share in my writing, and so this is the goal I set out to accomplish. Of course, I have to sustain myself too...but I try my best!

My interests, of course, remain nestled in the realm of stories. Games like RPGs that span hours and hours of rich world and character building are top-tier, and I adore a good book like any other. Cartoons are also fantastic, but I've never been too much of a fan of live-action media. I also like to do really shitty pixel art, if you couldn't tell. See below: