Introductions are in Order...

Hello. My name here is Dravia Aris. For this sake of the about me, you can take it as a penname/elaborate bit where I make ominous comments like the world is actually real. It's for lore reasons. But outside of that, there's a lot more to mention.

I have a lot of characters I love, and have found myself drawn to making original stories since I was a young little guy. So! This is my playbox for my more 'serious' works, so to speak. There may be a storyline in the background, but for now, just enjoy what you read here. Feel some things every now and then.

I try my best to be self-sustaining with what I make. This site's made by me, anything uncredited was also probably made by me. We'll see how this approach goes in the long run.

I have another site for generally...everything else I do. You can find it here!

Logo credit: spiffybun! Little Dravia credit: raechuu!